Sep 9, 2008

BIODIVERSITY/ACTIVISM: The plight of the bluefin tuna

I originally wrote this on the CEF blog...

A good way of attracting publicity to an important, but generally unglamorous, story - always a challenge for environmental activists.

Often the problem is 'Here is an issue that I really want to get the media to take notice of. Do I a) resort to any kind of publicity I can to attract attention (but compromise the reputation of environmental activism) or b) behave sensibly but accept I might not get the attention this issue really deserves.

Tough one - but here is a good solution: get a celebrity (with a whatdeyecallit? 'positive public persona' - someone everybody loves, like Jack Charlton) to front the story. The issue of industrial overfishing is extremely important - but who wants to listen to the facts? Here, Ted Danson (of Cheers fame) puts his name to a fact-filled blog type article... and lo and behold it is out there.

Maybe CEF should explore something similar.

** The plight of the bluefin **
The Atlantic bluefin tuna is in a parlous state - does it represent a oceans-wide legacy of overfishing?
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